Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

The steps to install Linux Ubuntu CLI

At the post this time I start to tell the material on ways to install Ubuntu Linux OS-based text (CLI). Because accidental entry RK3 material in my school, so yes I already practiced and successful. But even if the OS actually nih create a network server, but due to yesterday fitting ga practices connected so there are some options that may be replaced to adjust the network. So please try ... Here are the steps ..

First enter the BIOS, enter the Boot tab, select the CD-ROM as first boot device. This is necessary because we are installing using a CD. Then press F10 to exit and save the settings.

CD is inserted into the CD-ROM, then wait for the process, after it emerged a choice of languages, for easy select "Home", press enter.

Appear Ubuntu main menu, then select "install to the hard drive". If you want to check the condition of the CD, select "Check CD for Detect". Appears the option "Choose Language", select Home. Menu will display the "Choose a country", because Indonesia does not yet exist so select only the United States.

Dialog box will appear on "Detect Keyboard", choose "yes".

Then came the test keyboard, we were asked to press buttons indicated on the screen. Follow these steps. Then when the button is not shown on-screen keyboard found on our press "No" to complete. Comes the "keyboard layout detection complete", this indicates that the keyboard is used in accordance with LINUX UBUNTU. Then press continue.

It comes on CD-ROM scanning process, ADDITIONAL COMPONENT, THE NETWORK WITH configuring DHCP.

Emerging "network auto configuration failed", select continue.

Appear "configure network" select "do not configure the network at this time" because it did not choose the operating system for networking. Appears Host Name, and then we were asked to fill out the host name in a box.

Then came the "configure the clock," in this dialog box we are required to select the positions of time where we are. Indonesian fatherly select the Pacific, because we enter into these positions.

Process: Starting up this partitioner

Appear "partition disks", select manual. Delete the partitions that are not needed by pressing the enter key on the partition in question and select "delete this partition".
We then create a partition and determine the size of the partition, by pressing the enter key on free space and select "create a partition", the following order.

For Boot size we write 100 MB, Enter
Select Primary, Enter
Select Ending, Enter
Change the format of the partition: ext3 Journaling file system
Change mountpoint: / boot
Change the bootable flag: On
Select "Done setting up the partition", Enter

For the swap size is 2 X the size of RAM your computer.
Select Primary, Enter
Select Ending, Enter
Change use as: swap area
Change mountpoint: / swap (if none, write your own)
Change the bootable flag: off
Select "Done setting up the partition", Enter

3. / (Root)
For the size of the root is the remnant of an existing hard drive capacity.
Select Primary, Enter
Select Ending, Enter
Change use as: ext3 Journaling file system
Change mountpoint: /
Change the bootable flag: On
Select "Done setting up the partition", Enter

In filling a partition to note the size of RAM. If not fit then there will be mistakes, the indicator is:

- In front of the display "Use as" on the wrong partition will be shown the letter K, and in front of "use as" the right there is the letter F. If the correct command will display the phrase "Do you want to return to the partitioner".
If all orders are correct, select "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk".

- Then, after it appeared "Write the changes to disks?" Select Yes. Begin the process of formatting. In this process affect the existing content in the hard disk. The process also continues as an example installasing the base system.

- Then came the command "set up users and passwords". Please type your name in the "full name for the new user." Type in your name again on the "user name for your account", then enter the password or the password on "choose a password for the new user." Then type the password again to confirm.

- Appear statement "encrypts your home directory", press yes.

- Appeared statement "select and install software" select "no automatic updates."

- Appeared statement "software selection", select "SAMBA file server."

- Appeared statement "configuring GRUB", then comes the question "Install the Grub boot loader to the master boot record" then yes. This option is very important because by selecting GRUB being installed computer can load two OS at once.

- The final step is to press the button "complete" when the computer has been completed at the time of installation. When finished with the installation CD will automatically and immediately taken out. If the CD does not come out we remove it by force. If not removed when finished, the computer would do re-install.

Good luck ...!!!!!!!!

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