Kali ini gue ada beberapa syntax-syntax Linux teks nih sobat, ini dia...
* Install software menggunakan apt
# apt-get install software
* Update daftar paket yang terdapat di sources.list
# apt-get update
* Update software menggunakan apt
# apt-get upgrade
* Untuk merubah daftar mirror apt
# apt-setup
* Mencari paket
# apt-cache search package
* Uninstall software menggunakan apt
# apt-get remove software
Shortcuts / Cheatcodes
* update daftar paket
# apt-get update
* update the available package lists
# dselect update
* upgrade all installed packages
# apt-get upgrade
* installs package
# apt-get install pkg
* uninstall package
# apt-get remove pkg
* show all installed and removed packages
# dpkg -l
* show install status of package
# dpkg -l pkg
* show all packages that match pattern
# dpkg -S pattern
* list packages that contain string
# dpkg
* list files in package
# dpkg -L pkg
* show status of package
# dpkg -s pkg
* show details of package
# dpkg -p pkg
* list relevant packages
# apt-cache search string
* install package from a deb file
# dpkg -i file.deb
* purge package (and config?)
# dpkg -P pkg
* re-run the configure for a package
# dpkg-reconfigure pkg
* get the source
# apt-get source pkg
* config build-deps for source and install as needed
# apt-get build-dep
* install package from specific release
# apt-get -t release install pkg
* prevent name from running at bootup
# update-rc.d -f name remove
* upgrade the distribution
# apt-get dist-upgrade
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Syntax di Linux CLI
Kamis, Mei 27, 2010
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